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Subtidal unspecified width strap seagrass

Short description

Subtidal seagrass meadows dominated by strap growth forms with unspecified width.

Disclaimer: Ecosystem type descriptions are based on biophysical attributes identified in Central Queensland through expert advice and supported by scientific literature. Not all ecosystem types are mapped based on current inventory, and many of the ecosystems described here may also occur in other parts of Queensland.

Seagrass meadow. Photo by TropWATER Seagrass Ecology Group

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Long description

Subtidal seagrass meadows dominated by strap growth forms with unspecified width due to the available data and particularly species allocation. Strap seagrasses include Zostera muelleri subsp. capricorni*, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis and Thalassia hemprichii. These meadows can also include seagrasses with other growth forms such Halophila spp., Syringodium isoetifolium and Thalassodendron ciliatum.

Seagrasses are not a taxonomically unified group, but rather an ecological group that arose through convergent evolution and includes several different families. They are all flowering plants that live underwater and need light to photosynthesise. They also produce seeds. They grow on muds, sands and fine gravels which may be mobile. Meadows may include other Structural macrobiota such as encrusting algae, erect macrophyte algae, bryozoans, sponges and molluscs (e.g. bivalves, cockles, whelks, razor clam beds), together with mobile invertebrate fauna includes sea cucumbers, crabs (e.g. commercial sand crabs and other portunids) and polychaete worms.

*Revision of Zostera capricorni has resulted in classification to subspecies. In Queensland, Zostera capricorni has been revised to Zostera muelleri subsp. capricorni[7].

Special values

Seagrasses provide a wide range of services, including:

  • primary production, carbon fixation and nutrient removal
  • support numerous herbivore- and detritivore-based food webs, including food for dugongs and green turtles (mostly H. uninervis and H. ovalis), and many fisheries species (e.g. prawns and fishes)
  • fisheries habitat (e.g. food, refuge and reproduction)
  • coastal protection, erosion control and sediment capture, and
  • tourism, recreation, education and research[11][14][9].

The fisheries value of seagrass habitat as nursery grounds for juvenile commercial fish and prawn species in Queensland is well documented[11][15]. Sea cucumbers may also be collected from seagrass meadows for commercial aquaculture. Not only do seagrass provide habitat for fish, but the proximity of seagrass meadows to other ecosystems (mangroves, coral reefs) increases their abundance in these ecosystems[5][12].

Diagnostic attributes

Inundation 'Subtidal'

Structural macrobiota 'Seagrass - strap width unspecified'


Seagrass ecosystems vary in Period and Trend (seasonally and from year to year). The species composition, extent and biomass of seagrass meadows can vary seasonally and between years. The extent and biomass of seagrass meadows along the Queensland east coast are typically maximal in late spring and summer, and minimal over winter[1][8][13].


Seagrass meadows grow throughout the world’s coastal waters, with large areas along Queensland’s coastline. Approximately 58 species of seagrass have been recorded across the globe with about 30 recorded in Australian waters and at least 15 in Queensland (SeagrassWatch). Most tropical and sub-tropical species are found in water less than 10 m deep and narrow strap seagrasses are typically found in shallow water and the intertidal area (coastal areas and within estuaries). Of the 13 species identified in north-eastern Queensland[10], all occurred in water depths less than 6 metres below mean sea level (MSL) and only four occurred in water more than 20 metres below MSL. Three general depth zones of seagrass species composition for tropical waters have been observed[3] a shallow zone less than 6 metres deep with high species diversity, likely to include all species found in a region; a zone between 6 and 11 metres where the most commonly found seagrasses were the pioneering Halodule and Halophila species; and a zone deeper than 11 metres where only species of the genus Halophila were commonly found.

The following relates to distribution of this ecosystem type within the Central Queensland mapping area:

  • Thalassia hemprichii does not occur in Central Queensland.
  • Unmapped in Central Queensland. This ecosystem type was allocated to cover strap seagrass whose width was not possible to identify.


Other relevant attributes include Water clarity, Energy magnitude and Energy source (wave) together with Sediment texture, Freshwater volume and Trace elements. Seagrasses need light to be able to photosynthesise and turbid water inhibits light penetration, thus the Benthic depth that light can penetrate is a major control. Severe storms (cyclones), and/or high rainfall, river discharge and the associated low Water clarity and high concentrations of nutrients and other potential contaminants, and sediment deposition leads to seagrass loss (see SeagrassWatch annual reports for inshore seagrass monitoring in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park[11][2]). Trace elements (nutrients N, P), herbicides and other contaminants are known to affect seagrass health and other Structural macrobiota. This includes epiphytic algae and macroalgae which are indicators of high nutrients.

Water temperature is also relevant. Marine heatwaves can also negatively impact seagrass meadows[4][11]. Zostera spp. is particularly susceptible to temperature stress. The optimal temperature for primary production of Zostera spp. is 24 degrees Celsius, with deficient primary production (i.e. energy loss) above 35 degrees Celsius, compared to 40 degrees Celsius for deficient primary production in H. uninervis and C. serrulata[4]. Deeper subtidal meadows are generally less susceptible to air and surface temperature than shallow subtidal and intertidal seagrasses[6].

Additional Information


Seagrass - Queensland Government

Seagrass (Case study: Hervey Bay seagrass and dugong) - Queensland Government

Saltmarshes, seagrasses and algae - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Seagrasses in Queensland (pamphlet)

Seagrass - Department of Environment, Science and Innovation

Seagrasses - Australian Institute of Marine Science

A Vulnerability Assessment for the Great Barrier Reef (Seagrass) - Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Seagrass Restoration Network


  1. ^ Bruinsma, C & Danaher, K (2001), Queensland Coastal Wetland Resources: Round Hill Head to Tin Can Inlet.. [online], vol. QI99081, Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Government., Brisbane. Available at:
  2. ^ Campbell, SJ & McKenzie, LJ (2004), 'Flood related loss and recovery of intertidal seagrass meadows in southern Queensland, Australia', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 477-490, Elsevier.
  3. ^ Coles, R, Lee Long, W, Squire, B, Squire, L & Bibby, J (1987), 'Distribution of seagrasses and associated juvenile commercial penaeid prawns in north-eastern Queensland waters', Marine and Freshwater Research. [online], vol. 38, no. 1, p. 103. Available at: [Accessed 5 April 2019].
  4. ^ a b Collier, CJ, Ow, YX, Langlois, L, Uthicke, S, Johansson, CL, O'Brien, KR, Hrebien, V & Adams, MP (23 August 2017), 'Optimum Temperatures for Net Primary Productivity of Three Tropical Seagrass Species', Frontiers in Plant Science. [online], vol. 8. Available at: [Accessed 5 April 2019].
  5. ^ Gilby, B, Olds, A, Connolly, R, Maxwell, P, Henderson, C & Schlacher, T (8 February 2018), 'Seagrass meadows shape fish assemblages across estuarine seascapes', Marine Ecology Progress Series. [online], vol. 588, pp. 179-189. Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2019].
  6. ^ Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) (2012), Great Barrier Reef Coastal Ecosystems Assessment Framework. [online], GBRMPA, Townsville. Available at:
  7. ^ Jacobs, S & Les, D (26 October 2009), 'New combinations in Zostera (Zosteraceae)', Telopea. [online], vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 419-423. Available at: [Accessed 25 March 2019].
  8. ^ K. Danaher et al. (2005), Intertidal wetlands of Port Curtis. [online] Available at:
  9. ^ Kilminster, K, McMahon, K, Waycott, M, Kendrick, GA, Scanes, P, McKenzie, L, O'Brien, KR, Lyons, M, Ferguson, A & Maxwell, P (2005), 'Unravelling complexity in seagrass systems for management: Australia as a microcosm', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 534, pp. 97-109, Elsevier.
  10. ^ Lee Long, W, Mellors, J & Coles, R (1993), 'Seagrasses between Cape York and Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia', Marine and Freshwater Research. [online], vol. 44, no. 1, p. 19. Available at: [Accessed 5 April 2019].
  11. ^ a b c d McKenzie, LJ, Collier, CJ, Langlois, LA, Yoshida, RL, Smith, N & Waycott, M (2018), Marine Monitoring Program: Annual Report for inshore seagrass monitoring 2016-2017. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. [online], p. 248pp., Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville. Available at:
  12. ^ Olds, AD, Connolly, RM, Pitt, KA & Maxwell, PS (2012), 'Primacy of seascape connectivity effects in structuring coral reef fish assemblages', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 462, pp. 191-203, Inter-Research, Nordbuente 23 Oldendorf/Luhe 21385 Germany.
  13. ^ Sheaves, M (2005), 'Nature and consequences of biological connectivity in mangrove systems', Marine Ecology Progress Series. [online], vol. 302, pp. 293-305. Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2019].
  14. ^ Sheppard, JK, Preen, AR, Marsh, H, Lawler, IR, Whiting, SD & Jones, RE (2006), 'Movement heterogeneity of dugongs, Dugong dugon(Müller), over large spatial scales', Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, vol. 334, no. 1, pp. 64-83, Elsevier.
  15. ^ Watson, R, Coles, R & Lee Long, W (1993), 'Simulation estimates of annual yield and landed value for commercial penaeid prawns from a tropical seagrass habitat, Northern Queensland, Australia', Marine and Freshwater Research. [online], vol. 44, no. 1, p. 211. Available at: [Accessed 8 April 2019].

Last updated: 19 July 2019

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2019) Subtidal unspecified width strap seagrass, WetlandInfo website, accessed 30 August 2024. Available at:

Queensland Government
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