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Surface expression GDE (points) – spatial metadata

Data structure


Field name Type Bytes Label Description
GDE_CLASS Text (UTF-8 encoded) 69 Class of GDE
AQ_NAME Text (UTF-8 encoded) 201 Source Aquifer Name
AQ_GEOL Text (UTF-8 encoded) 38 Source Aquifer Geology
AQ_POROSTY Text (UTF-8 encoded) 20 Source Aquifer Porosity
AQ_CONFIN Text (UTF-8 encoded) 24 Source Aquifer Confinement
AQ_GFS Text (UTF-8 encoded) 23 Source Aquifer Groundwater Flow System
GW_SALINTY Text (UTF-8 encoded) 23 Salinity of Groundwater Source
GW_PH Text (UTF-8 encoded) 7 pH of GW Source
GW_RECHARG Text (UTF-8 encoded) 22 Dominant Recharge Process of GW Source
GW_CONN_SP Text (UTF-8 encoded) 34 Spatial Connectivity between GDE and GW
GW_CONN_TM Text (UTF-8 encoded) 25 Temporal Nature of GW Connectivity
GW_CON_T_D Text (UTF-8 encoded) 69 Temporal Nature of GW Connectivity Detailed
GDE_TYPE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 22 Type of GDE
RULE_NAME Text (UTF-8 encoded) 17 GDE rule set name
RULE_ID Text (UTF-8 encoded) 9 GDE rule ID
U_RULE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 102 GDE rule URL
L_RULE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 162 GDE rule set name
GDE_CONF Text (UTF-8 encoded) 33 GDE confidence
RULEID Short (2 byte integer) 2 RULEID
C_MODEL Text (UTF-8 encoded) 61 Conceptual Model name
U_CMODEL Text (UTF-8 encoded) 117 Conceptual Model URL
L_CMODEL Text (UTF-8 encoded) 163 Conceptual Model
C_MODEL_R Text (UTF-8 encoded) 42 Conceptual Model name: Regional
U_CMODEL_R Text (UTF-8 encoded) 142 Conceptual Model URL: Regional
L_CMODEL_R Text (UTF-8 encoded) 215 Conceptual Model: Regional
C_MODEL_L Text (UTF-8 encoded) 29 Conceptual Model name: Local
U_CMODEL_L Text (UTF-8 encoded) 138 Conceptual Model URL: Local
L_CMODEL_L Text (UTF-8 encoded) 192 Conceptual Model: Local
C_MODEL_S Text (UTF-8 encoded) 203 Conceptual Model name: Site
U_CMODEL_S Text (UTF-8 encoded) 165 Conceptual Model URL: Site
L_CMODEL_S1 Text (UTF-8 encoded) 254 Conceptual Model: Site (part 1 of 2)
L_CMODEL_S2 Text (UTF-8 encoded) 148 Conceptual Model: Site (part 2 of 2)
DATA_SRC Text (UTF-8 encoded) 38 Data source
GDE_EVID Text (UTF-8 encoded) 14 GDE evidence
VENT_ID Text (UTF-8 encoded) 10 Spring vent identifier
NAME Text (UTF-8 encoded) 50 Spring ecosystem name
COMPLXNAME Text (UTF-8 encoded) 37 Spring ecosystem complex name
REGION Text (UTF-8 encoded) 27 Spring catchment or region
SPRING_STA Text (UTF-8 encoded) 9 Spring status (ecosystem water regime)
ELEVATION Double (8 byte floating point) 8 Spring ecosystem mean elevation
LATITUDE Double (8 byte floating point) 8 Latitude (decimal degrees)
LONGITUDE Double (8 byte floating point) 8 Longitude (decimal degrees)
WETRE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 9 Wetland regional ecosystem list
L_WETRE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 109 Wetland regional ecosystem list
WETCLASS Text (UTF-8 encoded) 2 Wetland system code
WTRREGIME Text (UTF-8 encoded) 3 Wetland water regime
HYDROMOD Text (UTF-8 encoded) 5 Wetland hydrological modifier code
SALINMOD Text (UTF-8 encoded) 2 Wetland salinity modifier code
RE1 Text (UTF-8 encoded) 9 RE1 derived from fields (WETRE, RE)
U_RE1 Text (UTF-8 encoded) 69 RE1 URL derived from fields (WETRE, RE)
L_RE1 Text (UTF-8 encoded) 109 RE1 derived from fields (WETRE, RE)


The surface expression GDE (points) layer used by WetlandSummary is based on the source layers below, with the following modifications:

  • Added field U_RULE - GDE rule URL
  • Added field L_RULE - GDE rule set name
  • Excluded source field URL_RULE because it is replaced by U_RULE which links to the specific rule in the page
  • Excluded source field RULE_PART because it has no values
  • Excluded source field URL_CMODEL because it is replaced by the generated U_CMODEL attribute
  • Added field U_CMODEL - Conceptual Model URL
  • Added field L_CMODEL - Conceptual Model
  • Excluded source field URL_CMOD_R because it is replaced by the generated U_CMODEL_R attribute
  • Added field U_CMODEL_R - Conceptual Model URL: Regional
  • Added field L_CMODEL_R - Conceptual Model: Regional
  • Excluded source field URL_CMOD_L because it is replaced by the generated U_CMODEL_L attribute
  • Added field U_CMODEL_L - Conceptual Model URL: Local
  • Added field L_CMODEL_L - Conceptual Model: Local
  • Excluded source field URL_CMOD_S because it is replaced by the generated U_CMODEL_S attribute
  • Added field U_CMODEL_S - Conceptual Model URL: Site
  • Added field L_CMODEL_S - Conceptual Model: Site
  • Added field L_WETRE - Wetland regional ecosystem list
  • Added field U_RE1 - RE1 URL derived from fields (WETRE, RE)
  • Added field L_RE1 - RE1 derived from fields (WETRE, RE)
  • Excluded source field RE1_STEM because it is not useful

Source layer: GDE_Surface_Point_v01_5_1


Creation Date
Creation Time
Modification Date
Modification Time
Dist Info
Distor Cont
Contact—organization name
Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
Contact—position name
Principal Project Officer, Wetlands
details available on request
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
Data Id Info
Id Citation
Publication date
Version 1.5.1
Other citation information
Access AVAILABLE FORMAT TYPE(S) 1. Online Digital Data and Map Products via WetlandInfo and the Queensland Globe 2. Digital data available as a ESRI Shapefile, ESRI Geodatabase and ESRI Geodatabase Export download
Cit Resp Party
Contact—organization name
Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environment and Science
details available on request
Contact—position name
GDE Program Manager
Edition date
Resource purpose/summary
Surface expression groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDE) points
Additional human language abstract/description

Surface expression GDEs are ecosystems that are dependent on the discharge of groundwater on a permanent or intermittent basis to meet all or some of their water requirements so as to maintain their communities of plants and animals, ecological processes and ecosystem services. Surface expression GDE point features include spring wetlands. Information about the location and extent of known and potential GDEs was sourced from expert knowledge,field surveyliterature and existing datasets. This dataset is one of five datasets that describe the distribution of known and potential GDEs across the landscape. The complete set of GDE datasets is: 1. Surface expression GDE points, 2. Surface expression GDE lines, 3. Surface expression GDE areas, 4. Terrestrial GDE areas, 5. Subterranean GDE areas. As the different types of GDEs represent different overlapping layers or cross-sections of the landscape, it is recommended that the datasets be mapped in the order of listing shown above (i.e. surface expression GDE points on top) to maintain logical consistency and assist visualization.

Version 1.0 (released October 2012) - mapping covers the whole of Queensland

Version 1.1 (released May 2013) - updated mapping covers the whole of Queensland

Version 1.2 doesnot exist

Version 1.3 (released July 2015) - updated mapping covers the whole of Queensland and includes significant updates to attribution

Version 1.4 (released December 2015) - no change from version 1.3

Version 1.5 (released March 2017) - mapping covering the whole of Queensland improved.

Version 1.5.1 (released in May 2018) - mapping attribution revised to update hyperlinks to supporting material delivered via webpages.

Search Keys
WATER Springs
WATER Wetlands Mapping
WATER Wetlands
WATER Mapping
WATER Groundwater
WATER Groundwater Mapping
ECOLOGY Ecosystem
Res Const
Security use limitations

While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Queensland Department of Environment and Science makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. © The State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science) 2018.

Theme Keys
inlandWaters, environment
Theme Keys
Thesa Name
ISO 19115 Topic Categories
WATER Springs, WATER, WATER Wetlands Mapping, WATER Wetlands, WATER Mapping, WATER Groundwater, WATER Groundwater Mapping, ECOLOGY Ecosystem
Id Po C
Contact—organization name
Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environment and Science
Contact—position name
GDE Program Manager
details available on request
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
Res Const
Leg Consts
Security use limitations
While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Queensland Department of Environment and Science makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. © The State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science) 2018.
Legal constraints; text
Unrestricted to all levels of government and community. Dataset is available to all government agencies, community groups and individuals. Dataset is available through physical supply and may be made available via web delivery tools, for example, through the Queensland Department of Environment and Science internet site.
Dq Info
Data quality report, measure description
This dataset reflects the level of knowledge and information about the landscape that may be biased due to a range of reasons such as accessibility and land use: It is likely that the dataset is incomplete. Detailed field survey and verification of the groundwater location, extent and fluctuation has been done for most GDE points but not all.
Data quality report, measure description
The GDE attribution was sourced from the Queensland Springs database. The reliability of different attribute values may vary. Field sampled GDE points are attributed as known GDEs. Those that have not been field sampled are attributed as derived - low confidence.
Data quality report, measure description
The positional accuracy of field sampled GDE points is high (+/- 1 metre). Unsampled GDE points have a lower positional accuracy typically +/- 1 kilometre. For more information refer to the Queensland Springs Database metadata.
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (n.d.) Surface expression GDE (points) – spatial metadata, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation