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Naturalness qualifier – spatial metadata

Data structure


Field name Type Bytes Label Description
AFID Text (UTF-8 encoded) 11 Attributed Feature ID Attributed Feature ID is a unique identifier across all versions of all layers
RuleID Short (2 byte integer) 2 Rule ID
DOM_LABEL Text (UTF-8 encoded) 99 Dominant ecosystem type label
DOM_TYPE Short (2 byte integer) 2 Dominant type
U_DOM_TYPE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 113 Ecosystem type description
TYPES Text (UTF-8 encoded) 18 List of all type IDs (within this polygon)
RANKS Text (UTF-8 encoded) 17 Ranks for all types (within this polygon)
B_DEPTH Text (UTF-8 encoded) 6 Benthic depth
UID_B_DEPT Long (4 byte integer) 4 Benthic depth ID
INUNDTN Text (UTF-8 encoded) 3 Inundation code
D_INUNDTN Text (UTF-8 encoded) 30 Inundation
UID_INUNDT Long (4 byte integer) 4 Inundation ID
NRG_MAG Text (UTF-8 encoded) 2 Energy magnitude code
D_NRG_MAG Text (UTF-8 encoded) 8 Energy magnitude
UID_NRG_MA Long (4 byte integer) 4 Energy magnitude ID
SED_TEX Text (UTF-8 encoded) 5 Sediment texture code
D_SED_TEX Text (UTF-8 encoded) 30 Sediment texture
UID_SED_TE Long (4 byte integer) 4 Sediment texture ID
SMB_CMP Text (UTF-8 encoded) 24 Structural macrobiota composition code
D_SMB_CMP Text (UTF-8 encoded) 216 Structural macrobiota composition
UID_SMB_CM Long (4 byte integer) 4 Structural macrobiota composition ID
SUB_CMP Text (UTF-8 encoded) 5 Substrate composition code
D_SUB_CMP Text (UTF-8 encoded) 60 Substrate composition
UID_SUB_CM Long (4 byte integer) 4 Substrate composition ID
T_MORPH Text (UTF-8 encoded) 5 Terrain morphology code
D_T_MORPH Text (UTF-8 encoded) 29 Terrain morphology
UID_T_MORP Long (4 byte integer) 4 Terrain morphology ID
CONSOL Text (UTF-8 encoded) 2 Consolidation code
D_CONSOL Text (UTF-8 encoded) 14 Consolidation
UID_CONSOL Long (4 byte integer) 4 Consolidation ID
COTYPE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 2 Co-type overridden
COTYPENAM Text (UTF-8 encoded) 27 Name of co-type overridden
CO_TYPES Text (UTF-8 encoded) 15 Co-types
CONTAINS Text (UTF-8 encoded) 1 Contains macrobiota at a smaller scale, including coral
CONT_DESC Text (UTF-8 encoded) 228 Description of the macrobiota at a smaller scale
OVERD_CMT Text (UTF-8 encoded) 144 Override information
Q_NAT Text (UTF-8 encoded) 9 Naturalness qualifier
QNAT_ATTR Text (UTF-8 encoded) 27 Modified attributes
QNAT_INFO Text (UTF-8 encoded) 254 Naturalness information
WETLBET Text (UTF-8 encoded) 45 Legend
PolyID Long (4 byte integer) 4 Poly ID
OVERRIDE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 6 OVERRIDE


The naturalness qualifier layer used by WetlandSummary is based on the source layers below, with the following modifications:

  • Added field AFID - Attributed Feature ID
  • Renamed field RuleID_1 to RuleID
  • Added field U_DOM_TYPE - Ecosystem type description
  • Added field D_INUNDTN - Inundation
  • Added field D_NRG_MAG - Energy magnitude
  • Added field D_SED_TEX - Sediment texture
  • Added field D_SMB_CMP - Structural macrobiota composition
  • Added field D_SUB_CMP - Substrate composition
  • Added field D_T_MORPH - Terrain morphology
  • Added field D_CONSOL - Consolidation
  • Excluded source field Version because it has no values

Source layer: Intertidal and Subtidal Habitat Mapping for Central Queensland


Creation Date
Creation Time
Modification Date
Modification Time
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request
Data Id Info
Id Citation
Publication date
Cit Resp Party
Contact—organization name
Wetlands, Department of Environment and Science
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
details available on request
details available on request
Contact—individual name
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
Contact—organization name
Wetlands, Department of Environment and Science
details available on request
Additional human language abstract/description

Understanding the nature, extent and values of habitats is integral to their effective management.Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystem classification, mapping and conservation assessments already provide a basis for management and planning in Queensland.

This mapping addresses the lack of mapping and values assessment for Central Queensland intertidal /subtidalecosystems between Baffle Creek and the mouth of theFitzroy River and to the 3NM limit.

Intertidal habitat (e.g. mangroves, saltmarsh) isexposed at low tides. Subtidal habitat on the sea floorremains continuously submerged. Tidal inundation andother biophysical attributes of benthic habitats can beused to classify and map benthic habitats.Classifications and typologies based on biophysicalattributes will be applied using the Interim QueenslandIntertidal and Subtidal Classification Scheme(classification scheme), to produce ecosystemmapping. The classification scheme was produced bythe Queensland Wetland Program (QWP) during aprevious project involving input from more than 70scientists, managers and consultants over eleven expertworkshops.

Resource purpose/summary
The purpose of the intertidal and subtidal benthic habitat mapping of Central Queensland based on biophysical attributes applied to available data and integrate this with Great Sandy / Wide Bay benthic habitat mapping
Id Po C
Contact—individual name
Contact—organization name
Wetlands, Department of Environment and Science
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
details available on request
Search Keys
State or Territory
Res Const
Leg Consts
Legal constraints; text
Restricted to within the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. View access permitted. Dataset is available for viewing to registered users via web delivery tools, for example, through an access controlled internet site like NAP RIS Portal. Subject to approval from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. Conditions of use, copyright and charges apply. Data which is downloaded from the NAP RIS Portal, can only be used for the purpose of project-related work for the client / regional body who downloaded the data. The data is not to be supplied to a third party and also is not to be used for commercial purposes.
Res Const
Sec Consts
details available on request
Res Const
Security use limitations

The data is to be used within the licenced conditions

Id Po C
Contact—individual name
Contact—organization name
Wetlands, Department of Environment and Science
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
details available on request
Dq Info
Data Lineage
Lineage statement, a general explanation
Dist Info
details available on request

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (n.d.) Naturalness qualifier – spatial metadata, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation