The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, excluding the area type
Text (UTF-8 encoded)
Full name
The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, including the area type
Text (UTF-8 encoded)
Detailed information
A URL linking to detailed information about this area
Text (UTF-8 encoded)
The URL of a simplified KML file depicting this area
Double (8 byte floating point)
Area (km²)
The total area in km²
Field name
Text (UTF-8 encoded)
The unique identifier used in WetlandSummary
Text (UTF-8 encoded)
The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, excluding the area type
Text (UTF-8 encoded)
Full name
The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, including the area type
Text (UTF-8 encoded)
Detailed information
A URL linking to detailed information about this area
Text (UTF-8 encoded)
The URL of a simplified KML file depicting this area
The aquatic ecosystem monitoring programs layer used by WetlandSummary is based on the source layers below, with the following modifications:
The name and boundary/points of each monitoring program is determined individually and may or may not be based on areas of other types
Transformed coordinate system of gab_springs_mgaz54.shp from GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_54 to GDA94
Transformed coordinate system of gab_springs_mgaz55.shp from GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_55 to GDA94
Transformed coordinate system of gab_springs_mgaz56.shp from GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_56 to GDA94
Fixed 4 invalid geometries
Excluded 3 features outside of Queensland
Combined features and attributes from 17 source layers
Dissolved 51,331 source features into 33 aquatic ecosystem monitoring programs
Removed sliver holes <= 3.0 m² resulting from imprecise boundaries between dissolved areas
Identification Information
Citation Information
Department of Natural Resources and Mines
Publication Date
Aquatic ecosystem monitoring programs
Series Information
Series Name
not recorded
Publication Information
Publication Place
WETLANDS, Biodiversity, Environment Strategy & Policy, Natural Resources And Environment, Environment and Heritage Protection
File or Table Name
not recorded
Geospatial Data Presentation Form
not recorded
This layer incorporates a range of information including layers, latitude and longitudes and basin related to water monitoring in Queensland. It was created to provide more efficient access to information on aquatic monitoring programs in line with the aims of the Queensland Integrated Waterways Monitoring Framework
The data set was developed to present the water monitoring information spatially on both the Queensland Water Monitoring Portal and the WetlandInfo website. The data was provided by the relative monitoring programs managers through the Department of Natural Resources and Mines.
Supplemental Information
The Queensland waterways monitoring portal provides a single point of access to these tools consistent with the Queensland Integrated Waterways Monitoring Framework.
In Work
Maintenance and Update Frequency
As needed
Theme Keyword Thesaurus
Theme Keyword
Access Constraints
The conditions of use are detailed in the data usage licence signed between the Custodian and the Recipient. No third party usage is permitted other than indicated in the agreement. Charges for the supply of digital data may apply.
The accuracy is variable and based on the various data sets used to develop this layer. Information from 'Gauging Station Catchments - Queensland': Attribute naming was checked. Errors were corrected. Accuracy = 100%
Logical Consistency Report
The accuracy is variable and based on the various data sets used to develop this layer.
Completeness Report
Due to the number of monitoring programs being initiated or completed at any given time the completeness of the layer will also vary over time. If you are aware of a program not recorded that should be please let us know on
Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
The accuracy is variable and based on the various data sets used to develop this layer.
This dataset contains the extent, name and unique ID number of the Drainage Basins in the State of Queensland, as defined by the Australian Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC).
Resource purpose/summary
To provide an authorative single point of truth for the extent of Drainage Basins in the State Queensland. It is suitable for use in land administration, emergency and water management, monitoring of climate change, hydrological modelling, topographic and vegetation mapping and in the production of navigational and web based mapping applications.
Id Po C
Contact—individual name
DNRME, LANDS, LSI, TDIM, Senior Spatial Information Officer, Topographic Data Management
Contact—organization name
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Contact—position name
Senior Spatial Information Officer, Topographic Data Management
Dataset created and owned by Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy for the State of Queensland using base information owned by Federal Government Agencies and has no use limitations.
Res Const
Leg Consts
Security use limitations
The State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy)
Unrestricted to all levels of government and community. Data is available to all government agencies, community groups and individuals. Dataset is available through physical supply and may be made available via web delivery tools, for example, through DNRME's internet sites.
Supplemental information about the data
The dataset was captured at 1:100 000.
The seaward edge of this data aligns with the Coastline and State Border - Queensland dataset.
Feature Types: DRAINAGE BASIN - A region of land where water from rain drains downhill into a body of water, such as a river, lake, dam, wetland, sea or ocean. The extent of land covered by a drainage basin was originally determined by the Australian Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC).
Attributes: BASIN_NAME - The name of the Drainage Basin BASIN_NUMBER - A unique number allocated to the Drainge Basin
Australia is divided into a number of Drainage Divisions, Queensland is covered by five Drainage Divisions -Bulloo, Gulf, Lake Eyre, Murray Darling and North East Coast and each is allocated a unique ID number Those rivers flowing into the Coral Sea in Queensland are classified as being within the North East Coast Drainage Division which has been allocated the number one (1) Drainage Divisions are broken into smaller Drainage Basins based on the major rivers in those divisions e.g. Burdekin Drainage Basin, Fitzroy Drainage Basin. All Drainage Basins are allocated a unique ID number starting with the unique ID number of the Drainage Division they are within. Based on the unique number of the Drainage Basin, a user can determine which Drainage Division the basin is within. All drainage Basins within the North East Coast Drainage Division have been allocated a unique number starting with 1. e.g. The Burdekin Drainage Basin is number 12, the Fitzroy Drainage Basin is number 14 and so on.
Flow is determined using low rainfall. It areas of flat terrain, high rainfall can cause water to flow across watersheds.
This dataset is stored in an ESRI Geodatabase. Some columns names may be shortened if downloaded in the ESRI shape format.
Dq Info
Data quality report, measure description
Capture is complete
Data quality report, measure description
Data should be free from overshoots, undershoots, duplicate lines. Drainage lines should not cross division boundaries.
Data quality report, measure description
Accuracy of the data is dependent on the accuracy of the elevation data of the associated 1:100000 topographic map. This data is suitable for scales 1:100000 and greater.
Data quality report, measure description
Attribute naming was validated against the names supplied by the Australian Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC) and has an accuracy of 100%.
Data Lineage
Lineage statement, a general explanation
The location of Australia’s Drainage Basins were originally defined by the Australian Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC). To accurately plot the location of the boundaries, the definition of the basins were compared with 1:100000 topographic mapping (published and unpublished) and the location of the watershed based on the contours was plotted onto hard copy maps. These plotted lines were later digitised to create a spatial dataset. With the 1:250000 drainage network as a background, checks were made to ensure that no drainage lines crossed a division boundary.
Drainage Basins are subsets of and have boundaries that are aligned to and nested with the associated Drainage Division. Please refer to the Drainage Division - Queensland dataset.
In 2020, the seaward edge of the data was moved to align with the Coastline and State Border - Queensland dataset.
Copright: The State of Queensland (Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation) 2016.
PUBLIC Access - This material is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Australia licence.
Resource purpose/summary
The 2012 extent of mangrove and associated vegetation communities of Moreton Bay Area provides a baseline and historical information for assessment and monitoring.
The mangrove mapping is based on mosaics of high resolution 2012 aerial photography (ecw format) and supported by field survey of 1998 mangrove mapping (Dowling and Stephens, 2001). Linework reproduced at a scale greater than 1:5,000 should be used as a guide only. The positional accuracy of the data, mapped at a scale of 1:5,000, is 5 metres.
Res Const
Leg Consts
Security use limitations
The State of Queensland (Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation) 2016. While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the Information Product, the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which you might incur as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.
Dq Info
Data Lineage
details available on request
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request
Source layer: Queensland Marine Parks - QLD_MARINEPARK
Marine parks are established over tidal lands and waters to protect and conserve special areas while allowing for planned use of marine resources.
Supplemental Information
WARNING NOTE TO ALL USERS: The spatial representation of Great Sandy Marine Park is not included in this version of marine parks as administered by Queensland Parks and Wildlife, Department of Environment and Resource Management.
It is anticipated that the next version of this dataset shall contain the finalised representation of Great Sandy Marine Park.
The rules and restrictions for activities that may be carried out in various marine park zones may differ for the same zone classification in different marine parks. For example, the rules for line fishing in conservation park zones in the Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park vary to the rules for line fishing in conservation park zones in the Moreton Bay Marine Park.
Citation Information
Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) Queensland, incorporating Queensland Parks and Wildlife (QPW)
Publication Date
31 Mar 2009
Queensland Marine Parks - QLD_MARINEPARK
File or Table Name
Geospatial Data Presentation Form
vector digital data
Publication Information
Publication Place
Parks Division, Environmental Protection Agency
In work
Maintenance and Update Frequency
As needed
Theme Keyword Thesaurus
Theme Keyword
Theme Keyword
Theme Keyword
Theme Keyword
WATER Wetlands
Theme Keyword Thesaurus
ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme Keyword
Theme Keyword
Access Constraints
Restricted to within the Department of Environment and Resource Management. View access permitted. Dataset is available for viewing to registered users via web delivery tools, for example, through an access controlled internet site like NAP RIS Portal. The conditions of use are detailed in the data usage agreement, signed between the Custodian and the Recipient. No third party usage is permitted other than indicated in the agreement. Data which is downloaded from the NAP RIS Portal, can only be used for the purpose of project-related work for the client / regional body who downloaded the data. The data is not to be supplied to a third party and also is not to be used for commercial purposes.
Use Constraints
The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that the State Marine Parks data should not be used for decision making purposes when the layer is displayed at scales greater than 1:100000.
While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Department of Environment and Resource Management makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.
Dist Info
details available on request
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request
Data Quality Information
details available on request
Attribute Accuracy
Attribute Accuracy Report
The marine park zone attributes are based on the descriptions found in the Marine Parks (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004 and the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008.
Completeness Report
Incomplete. The dataset is incomplete. It anticipated that Great Sandy Marine Park spatial data shall be included in the next version of the dataset.
Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
The marine park boundaries are based on the descriptions found in Schedule 1 and 2 of the Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006. The zones within the marine parks are based on the descriptions in the Marine Parks (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004 and the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008.
Logical Consistency Report
The three Queensland Marine Parks have different zoning methodologies, designated areas provisions, and zoning plans.
Unrestricted to all levels of government and community. Data is available to all government agencies, community groups and individuals. Dataset is available through physical supply and may be made available via web delivery tools, for example, through DNRME's internet sites. All enquiries from persons outside DNRME should be directed to Geoscience Australia.
Res Const
Security use limitations
Reference to data source to be provided on all products produced using this data.
QLD_STATEBDY_100K_POLY sourced from AUSLIG GEODATA COAST-100K. The coastline component of GEODATA COAST-100K is primarily sourced from the 1:100,000 scale National Topographic Map series produced by AUSLIG. The positions of state and Territory borders were mainly derived from survey coordinate data and the 1:100,000 scale topographic series. NOTE: The use of survey data in GEODATA COAST-100K does not imply that the data are suitable for any legal interpretation of State/Territory borders. See AUSLIG Metadata for further information.
Data quality report, measure description
For the COAST-100K product, completeness was tested by overlaying symbolised plots of the data on the source material and carrying out a visual comparison.
Data quality report, measure description
For the COAST-100K product, logical consistency is a measure of the degree to which data complies with the technical specifications. The data were tested using a mixture of UNIX scripts and ARC/INFO commands which were independent of the production system. Graphical tests were used to check such things as intersections, polygon closure, minimum size of polygons and topological relationships. A full description of the checks on the data, the test procedure, test sample size and the allowable error are provided in the COAST-100K Data User Guide supplied with the data. The primary data source has been NTMS 1:100 000 scale map production material, with supplied survey coordinates from relevant State authorities. Only features listed in the COAST-100K data dictionary have been captured from the map source material.
Data quality report, measure description
For the COAST-100K product, data complies with the following statement of horizontal accuracy: "The summation of errors from all sources results in data with a standard deviation of 50 metres for well defined points". Alternative and equal ways of expressing this error are: Not more than 10% of well-defined points are in error by more than 80 metres; and In the worst case, a well defined point is out of position by 150 metres.
Data quality report, measure description
For the COAST-100K product, attribute accuracy is a measure of the degree to which the attribute values of features agree with the information on the source material. The allowable error in attribute accuracy ranges from 0.5% to 5%, at a 99% confidence level. Where less than 1% of attribute errors are permissible the entire population is tested. Where a less stringent limit is set for allowable errors a random subset of the relevant features in the tile is generally tested. The sample size is determined from statistical tables using the known population size of the relevant feature. A full description of the checks on the data, the test sample size and the allowable error are provided in the COAST-100K Data User Guide supplied with the data.
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request
This page should be cited as:
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (n.d.) Aquatic ecosystem monitoring programs – spatial metadata, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at: